The Biotech Startups Podcast with guest Alok Tayi, Founder & CEO of Vibe Bio

The biotech startups podcast episode art.

Watch the 3 part podcast episode on YouTube! We are proud to share a recent The Biotech Startups Podcast episode hosted by Jon Chee, CEO of Excedr. In the episode, Jon and Alok discuss the many opportunities that can improve the biotech industry and how Vibe Bio is tackling the problem of funding & guiding […]

Forbes – Alok Tayi’s new start-up is putting drug development into patients’ hands

John Cumbers authored an article featuring Alok Tayi’s new start-up, Vibe Bio. “In short, the contours of drug development are defined around inflection points — the kinds of milestones that serve as “power-ups” to move a company to the next level of funding and scientific research by increasing a company’s valuation and strategically informing what […]